Using Python like ConfigParser API

For Python programmers the simlest API to use is ConfigParser. This sample presents accessing .ini files as Python ConfigParser objects.

This sample program expect the .ini file as a command line argument. If there is no such argument, it use the dwarfs-py.ini file.

import org.ini4j.ConfigParser;

public class PyReadSample
    public static final String FILENAME = "dwarfs-py.ini";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        String filename = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : FILENAME;
        ConfigParser config = new ConfigParser();;
        for (String key : config.options("sleepy"))
            System.out.println("sleepy/" + key + " = " + config.get("sleepy", key));

Standard output:

sleepy/name = sleepy
sleepy/weight = 76.11
sleepy/height = 87.78
sleepy/age = 121
sleepy/homepage = http://snowwhite.tale/~sleepy
sleepy/homedir = /home/sleepy