Common .ini file for sample programs using Python like ConfigParser class
; bashful [bashful] weight = 45.7 height = 98.8 age = 67 homePage = http://snowwhite.tale/~bashful homeDir = /home/bashful ; doc [doc] weight = 49.5 height = 87.7 age = 63 homePage = http://doc.dwarfs homeDir = c:Documents and Settingsdoc ; dopey [dopey] weight = %(_weight) height = %(_height) age = 23 homePage = http://dopey.snowwhite.tale/ homeDir = c:\Documents and Settings\dopey ; grumpy [grumpy] weight = 65.3 height = %(_height) age = 76 homePage = http://snowwhite.tale/~grumpy/ homeDir = /home/grumpy ; happy [happy] weight = 56.4 height = 77.66 age = 99 homePage = dummy homeDir = /home/happy ; sleepy [sleepy] name=sleepy weight = 76.11 height = %(_height)8 age = 121 homePage = http://snowwhite.tale/~%(name) homeDir = /home/%(name) ; sneezy [sneezy] weight = 69.7 height = 76.88 age = 64 homePage = %(_site)/~sneezy homeDir = /home/sneezy ; happy again [happy] homePage = http://happy.smurf [default] _site = http://happy.smurf _age = 99 _weight = 45.7 _height = 87.7