The following tutorials organized on different tpye of API that ini4j provide. The build process of [ini4j] guarantees compilability and runability, since no distribution may be created without compiling and running the tutorial codes.
First step with [ini4j] library. No data model, no interfaces, no design patterns, simply read and write windows .ini files.
This tutorial familiarize the reader with the usage of the [ini4j] library's natural interface.
Windows regedit commands .REG file format is very close to .ini format. [ini4j] provides org.ini4j.Reg class to model .REG format. This tutorial show the differences between Ini and Reg classes.
Yes, it is possible now to read/write registry from java programs without native (JNI) code !
Options (org.ini4j.Options) is a java.util.Properties replacement with several useful features, like:
Yes, it can be done! To access the contents of sections you can use any of your self-defined Java Beans compatible API. In order to do this you only have to create a Java Beans-style interface or class.
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the reader with the usage of the [ini4j] library's Preferences interface. Each chapter contains all the necessary code portions and explanation for a given function.